Friday, October 16, 2015

Letter Project Reflection

1. The process of the project was very annoying for me. For one, I really don't like drawing or making a piece based on ideas I need to come up with. I prefer projects or work in class where there's a fixed thing that we have to go by and I would be most comfortable. I had much trouble thinking about an idea for the letter X, that I had. At first I had the idea of a treasure map. 
However, I figured that it didn't really capture the idea of my letter. In addition to that, the X would not be shown as clearly. It didn't take up most of the page to emphasize the letter which I wanted. And soon I was thinking about a chemical X compound potion idea from Power Puff Girls, thanks to Cindy. She was able to suggest this idea to me which because of that led me to my final project idea:

My project is the image of a beaker with substance inside that causes a miniature explosion cloud where a X forms in the middle, normally resembling danger in an experiment gone wrong. Overall, thanks to Ms. Lee and my peer's honest feedback I was able to end up with my final which I am pretty proud of because I am terrible at drawing.

2. To make sure my image made sense and that when people would look at it, they would know my letter and what concept I was doing, I use specific material to make the image more realistic. I used chalk pastel to make the cloud more puffy and cloud looking. The coloring and lighting was very important to make the image in the middle pop.
3. The most challenging part of the project was both thinking of what to do and making the product. The first day the project was introduced, I was like, "WHY, did my letter have to be an X!?!" In addition, when we were brainstorming in class for thumbnails, I could barely think of one good idea. When it came to the final, the measurements, and making every shape in the right place was very struggling, because I was very nit picky about a little mark going off in the wrong way. For example the beaker took a whole class to draw to my satisfaction.
4. I am honestly satisfied with my project, because I actually thought that it could've gone a lot more worse from the start, I knew that I am not that good in art therefore I had a pretty low expectation for my end result, however, the end outcome, though messy to make, look great to me! I couldn't have asked for a better first assignment to start off the year.
5. Although being satisfied with my project, if there was a chance to fix my piece I would go back in time and change the colors that I used in the cloud to make it look more realistic. Then I could use red/black in the background to emphasize the cloud exploding.

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