Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Blog Reflection (GIF)

1) My concept is of me doing the Sudoku over and over again. I arrived at this idea because I used to have this habit of doing the Sudoku and Ken Ken in the AM NY newspaper whenever I am just feeling off or I am mad. It helps to get my mind off of things and help me feel better. The image of the Sudoku in the GIF reflects that, and the action of the completion of the Sudoku.


3) Originally, it was just going to be a simple Sudoku puzzle being solved, but now it's a puzzled being solved to messing up on a number and erasing everything to start over. To be honest, the animated GIF has not changed a lot but I feel really proud with it and I put a lot of time and effort into it.

Self-Symbol Gif Project by Thomas Cham

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Gif HW

Protrait Transformation Reflection

1) The hiking trail and the escalator picture is being transformed. I am going to combine them. My concept is the imagination of how easy a hiking trail could be if there was an escalator on the trail going straight up. Therefore you wouldn't need to work to get to the top to get a view of the great mountain range.

2) The Easiest Hiking Trail Ever

3) I guess I am pretty happy with my results. Why? Because I barely use Photoshop. I never thought to have a class with centered around it for high school. For one, I find it very fun to use. Second, I never knew in a million years that I could actually do something like this and have the results of my picture. It looks great to me. However, I believe I could've added some more. It all looks too plain to me.


5) First I need the individual pictures. On separate documents I took away the background. The hiking trail was left alone since I wanted it to my background. Next, I took the cropped escalator, using the magnetic tool then coping and pasting on a different layer, and put it on the document same as the trail. Next I re sized the escalator to fit the steps. Then I used the layer mask to make the escalator blend into the floor. Then coping the image of myself onto the image, I cloned it two times and re sized them all. It was as if there was a time passing. I also used free transform to change the orientation of one of my copies so the hand is on the other side.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Letter Project Reflection

1. The process of the project was very annoying for me. For one, I really don't like drawing or making a piece based on ideas I need to come up with. I prefer projects or work in class where there's a fixed thing that we have to go by and I would be most comfortable. I had much trouble thinking about an idea for the letter X, that I had. At first I had the idea of a treasure map. 
However, I figured that it didn't really capture the idea of my letter. In addition to that, the X would not be shown as clearly. It didn't take up most of the page to emphasize the letter which I wanted. And soon I was thinking about a chemical X compound potion idea from Power Puff Girls, thanks to Cindy. She was able to suggest this idea to me which because of that led me to my final project idea:

My project is the image of a beaker with substance inside that causes a miniature explosion cloud where a X forms in the middle, normally resembling danger in an experiment gone wrong. Overall, thanks to Ms. Lee and my peer's honest feedback I was able to end up with my final which I am pretty proud of because I am terrible at drawing.

2. To make sure my image made sense and that when people would look at it, they would know my letter and what concept I was doing, I use specific material to make the image more realistic. I used chalk pastel to make the cloud more puffy and cloud looking. The coloring and lighting was very important to make the image in the middle pop.
3. The most challenging part of the project was both thinking of what to do and making the product. The first day the project was introduced, I was like, "WHY, did my letter have to be an X!?!" In addition, when we were brainstorming in class for thumbnails, I could barely think of one good idea. When it came to the final, the measurements, and making every shape in the right place was very struggling, because I was very nit picky about a little mark going off in the wrong way. For example the beaker took a whole class to draw to my satisfaction.
4. I am honestly satisfied with my project, because I actually thought that it could've gone a lot more worse from the start, I knew that I am not that good in art therefore I had a pretty low expectation for my end result, however, the end outcome, though messy to make, look great to me! I couldn't have asked for a better first assignment to start off the year.
5. Although being satisfied with my project, if there was a chance to fix my piece I would go back in time and change the colors that I used in the cloud to make it look more realistic. Then I could use red/black in the background to emphasize the cloud exploding.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Summer Vacation

During the summer, I went to Vancouver, Canada for a camp. I met a lot of great people at the camp. As we split off into our groups, I went with my group and we hike about 3 kilometers of the Grouse Grind. The Grouse Grind took us on a rugged terrain that pushed our limits as we made our way to the top. The view was spectacular.

After the camp, I had time left over in Vancouver before my flight. So I went with friends that I got to know very well in the camp; Cici, Winnie, Lilian, Jackie, Gallant, and Eric to Night Market. Night market is a very crowded festival that is open in the summer time in Vancouver where many people come to experience the different stands that are set up along the road filled with exquisite food and beverages. The next day, I went to rent bikes with my previous group at the camp and we rode around the border of Stanley Park which was amazing. Not biking in years, really put the energy back into me. Being in Vancouver for the summer was a great choice to make, and I hope to go back there again!

Pictures from my summer vacation in Vancouver!!!

All about me!!

Hey! My name is Thomas Cham. I am a student of Millennium High School. I am a junior at the moment. I like to eat, play sports, and just hang with my friends.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Hey yall! Its Thomas! Made a new blog for graphic design class.